Staff Directory
Our administration, faculty, and staff at Stallworth know that each child is unique. We strive to help students develop their unique talents and abilities while also building the self-confidence and skills they need to succeed in our community. The faculty and staff truly care about each student. We take pride in employing only the most qualified educators who are passionate about educating tomorrow’s future leaders. We encourage you to get to know the wonderful staff at Stallworth Charter.
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Administrative Office Staff
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Student Support Services
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Obispo Mr. CurtisMr. Curtis Obispo Contracted School Psychologist
Wagner-Martinho Mrs. KristiMrs. Kristi Wagner-Martinho Coordinator of Student Services/Resource Specialist Send message »
Obispo Mr. CurtisMr. Curtis Obispo Contracted School Psychologist
Wagner-Martinho Mrs. KristiMrs. Kristi Wagner-Martinho Coordinator of Student Services/Resource Specialist Send message »
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Cavett Mrs. EvelinaMrs. Evelina Cavett TK/Kindergarten Send message »
I have been teaching for 55 years, grades K–8. I enjoy family gatherings and supporting my spouse’s music career. My goal for this school year is to develop a love for learning in my students. I will strive to inspire and motivate them to focus and engage as learners.
Frazier Ms. LaronnaMs. Laronna Frazier 1st Grade Send message »
I have been teaching over 35 years, grades K–12. I enjoy traveling, reading books, exercising, and creating healthy, nutritionally balanced meals. I have two daughters and two Yorkies. My goal for this school year is to ensure that every child has an opportunity to advance to higher levels of success—without any limits.
Corrales Ms. ElizabethMs. Elizabeth Corrales 2nd Grade Send message » 209-451-9382
I have taught kindergarten for one year. I enjoy spending time with my family and going on hikes together. I have one brother and four dogs. My goal this school year is to have successful students and improve their knowledge.
Marx Ms. JanetMs. Janet Marx 2nd Grade Send message »
I have been teaching for five years, grades K–8. I enjoy playing with my cat, King Ebo. I take care of my father and my cat. My goal this school year is to assist and teach all learners to excel academically and socially and become critical thinkers.
Ross Mr. JamesMr. James Ross 3rd Grade Send message »
I taught first and second graders for 27 years. I enjoy spending time with my family. I have two sons who are currently in college. My goal for this school year is to be a facilitator for my students to increase their test scores and have a supportive learning environment.
Guzman Mrs. MariaMrs. Maria Guzman 4th Grade Send message »
I have been teaching for 12 years, grades K–8. I enjoy traveling, reading, shopping, and spending time with my grandchildren. I have a dog named Dobby. My goal for this school year is to ensure that my students excel academically, socially, and emotionally.
Espinoza Mrs. ClaudiaMrs. Claudia Espinoza 5th Grade Send message »
I have been teaching for 27 years, grades K–8. In my free time, I like to read. I also enjoy gardening and playing Candy Crush Saga. I have a dog named Biscuit. My goals for this school year are to help students excel academically and become responsible citizens. I will need a lot of parental support to achieve my goals.
Yeung Mr. JimmyMr. Jimmy Yeung 6th Grade Send message »
I have been teaching for eight years, grades 5–8. I enjoy coaching my nephew in various sports, which keeps me active and engaged in the community. My goal is to have an engaging and productive year filled with exploration, discovery, and learning.
Kaur Ms. ManpreetMs. Manpreet Kaur 7th Grade Send message »
I have been teaching for three years, grades 5–8. I love shopping and reading abstract algebra and real math analysis books. I live with my sister and her two kids. My goal for this school year is to help students develop creativity and the ability to think, communicate, and solve problems.
Barrera Mr. VictorMr. Victor Barrera 8th Grade Send message »
I taught sixth grade for four years. I enjoy hiking and exploring new things. I have four sisters and one brother. I also have two dogs and two cats. I am an avid reader, which allows me to escape my everyday life. My goal for this school year is to see every student achieve grade-level material.
Instructional Assistants
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Support Staff
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Stallworth Mr. CorneliusMr. Cornelius Stallworth Custodian
Stallworth Mr. CorneliusMr. Cornelius Stallworth Custodian