A Message from Our Principals

As principal/director of business of this school, I welcome you with great pleasure to the Dr. Lewis Dolphin Stallworth, Sr. Charter School. At Stallworth Charter we are establishing a Professional Learning Community (PLC) environment to ensure that all students learn.
The central focus at Stallworth Charter is to generate a collaborative working atmosphere that promotes employee excellence and alliance. As a PLC community, staff will work interdependently to establish a common goal for our learners. Being a cooperative and unified group compels us to attain our goals and objectives of being a “model” charter school. Each of you will play a significant role in the success of this school.
Total commitment is my expectation of the school staff. I expect for each staff member to be an active participant in making this charter school a success by adhering to the rules and guidelines that we have established.
I look forward to collaborating with you this academic year to make a difference in the lives of the students and parents. Once again I welcome you to our “great” school! Have an exciting and enjoyable year.
Alice Stallworth
Alice Stallworth
Principal/Director of Business, Dr. Lewis D. Stallworth, Sr. Charter School, Inc.
As principal/director of instruction, I also want to welcome you as the newest administration member of the Stallworth Charter family. This year we are enhancing the central focus of the school-wide goals with the theme, strategic synergy. This plan enhances collaboration, team morale, transparency, communication, academic growth through evidence-based decision making, fun project-based culminating assessments, and extra-curricular activities and events. Parents are encouraged to stay in the know with Class Dojo.
Our curriculum is SAVVAS along with supplemental programs in writing, vocabulary, and math. The strategic synergy framework is designed to address the root causes that prevent students from achieving their natural potential to learn, apply, and evaluate the skills needed for them to take ownership of their own learning. Hopefully this process will simplify the processes for easy-to-follow teacher-led instruction. Our positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) is also enhanced with Class Craft.
I look forward to partnering with Principal/Director Mrs. Stallworth as well as working with stakeholders to make a difference for ensuring that all students are ready for the next level. Our main goal is that students move forward towards becoming college and career ready.
Robin Moorezaid
Robin Moorezaid, PhD candidate
Principal/Director of Instruction